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Jaban al-Kurdi

Jaban al-Kurdi, also known as Jabir al-Kurdi, is believed to have been a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. He was from the tribe of Kurz bin Jabir and was known for his bravery and loyalty to the Prophet Muhammad.

Jaban al-Kurdi is said to have participated in a number of battles alongside the Prophet Muhammad, including the Battle of Uhud and the Battle of the Trench. He was known for his skill with a bow and arrow and was praised for his bravery in battle.

While not much is known about Jaban al-Kurdi beyond his participation in these battles, he is remembered and respected by Muslims as one of the early followers of the Prophet Muhammad and as a model of faith, courage, and devotion.

His full name is known to be Abū Maymūn Jābān al-Kurdī.

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